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Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri : 9:00 - 17:00 // Wed: closed
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

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In 2025 our pick-up point remains closed during folliwing dates:

March 24 - 25
April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
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Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models

Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models
In stock
Cessna 185 KIT 1410 mm - SF-Models

The Cessna 185 Skywagon is a six-seat, single-engined, general aviation light aircraft. It first flew as a prototype in July 1960, with the first production model completed in March 1961.
The Cessna 185 is a high-winged aircraft with non-retractable conventional landing gear and a tailwheel.
Over 4,400 were built with production ceasing in 1985

The model is constructed of lightweight foam, featuring many details (such as rips in flaps and ailerons). The tail wheel is stearable. Building is simple, following the
english buidling instructions with many pictures. All small parts are included. You need to supply your own electronics.
The model flies scale like. If you activate the optional flaps, STOL take-offs and landings are possible - a highlight for advanced pilots.

Kit includes:

Foam parts for fuselage, wings, elevator - all decorated with decals
Wheels and undercarriage
Spinner and propeller (11 x 5,5")
Small parts (incl. pushrods, control horns, etc.)

Technical specifications:

Wing span 1410 mm
Length 1020 mm
Wing area 29,5 dm2
Flight weight approx. 1000 – 1000 g
Material: foam
Channels: min. 4 (ailerons, elevator, rudder, ailerons, motor) - optional: flaps

Needed to complete:

Brushless motor: d: 36 mm / approx. 100g / 1000 KV
Brushless controller 30-40A
Lipo accu: 3s 2000 - 2500mAh 20C
Propeller (depending on motor setup): 10x6 - 11x8"
4 servos (8 - 13g), 2 kg torque (optional +2 servos for flaps) note: rudder servo is recommended as MG (metal gear)

Recommended for the advanced model builder and pilot.
SF - Super Flying Models
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