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RCHUNGARY Pick-up Point - Opening times:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri : 9:00 - 17:00 // Wed: closed
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

Address: József Attila utca 55/B, 2011 Budakalász, Hungary   Tel: +36 26 340009     E-mail: info@rchungary.com   

Free delivery as of 40 000 Forint (valid for Hungarian addresses with FoxPost, ExpressOne and MPL deliveries only)

In 2025 our pick-up point remains closed during folliwing dates:

March 24 - 25
April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
May 1 -> 4 (Labour Day Holiday) - open again as of 5th May


EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex

EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex

EasyGlider 4 180 cm Multiplex

KIT - # 214332
RR - # 264332
RTF - # 13273




In stock
We recommend the following product(s) as accessories
EasyGlider 4 180 cm KIT - Multiplex

The best EasyGlider ever!

The good-natured and robust electric glider EasyGlider 4 with a 4-generation aileron. Its particular strength is easy to play with a low basic speed in the glide of the glider and winds.
According to the motto "Evolution instead of revolution", this ELAPOR®-classic has been reworked and comes as 100% "Made in Germany" on the market. The MULTIPLEX EasyGlider is a cult and is unmatched in its field. Therefore the EasyGlider 4 had to remain a true MULTIPLEX EasyGlider.

What's New:
• Wings with super-light and high-strength GRP square bar
• Stiff hull by M-Space technology
• Removable side and height control - easy transport
• Modern decor decoration with country cheek
• Efficient and lightweight ROXXY drive

For the kit we recommend the right ROXXY drive set # 33 2672; The MULTIPLEX perfectly matched the EasyGlider 4. The ELAPOR® model can also be assembled easily and quickly as its predecessor.

The EasyGlider 4 is a fun model that makes a good figure even during aerobics (looping, roll, back flight, turn, ...).

• Optimized sailing performance
• Thermal exhaustion made easy due to very low basic speed
• Powerful, efficient brushless drive with S-BEC controller, for fast climbing and long flight times
• Super robust thanks to ELAPOR® design
• Folding propeller with elegant plastic spinner
• Landing aid by placing the ailerons
• Easy to transport thanks to removable wings, side and height stabilizer
• A lot of space in the fuselage allows the use of different battery sizes
• Convenient battery change thanks to the dyed canopy cover

Scope of delivery - KIT:

ELAPOR® moldings for the fuselage, support, trusses and cabin roof, GRP spar,
Folding propeller 9x6 ", all necessary plastic parts and small
accessories, punched decorative sheets and detailed instructions (E, D, F, ES)

Scope of delivery - RR:

ELAPOR® model, including ROXXY drive motor
C28-34-850kv, controller ROXXY BL-Control 720 S-BEC, mounted flip-
Propeller 9x6 ", 2 servos Tiny-S and 2 servos Nano-S, applied decor
And detailed instructions (E, D, F, ES)

Scope of delivery - RR+:

Same as RR plus receiver RX-5 M-LINK ID 9 and flight battery ROXXY Evo 3s 2200mAh

Scope of delivery - RTF:

ELAPOR® model, including ROXXY drive motor
C28-34-850kv, controller ROXXY BL-Control 720 S-BEC, mounted flip-
Propeller 9x6 ", 2 servos Tiny-S and 2 servos Nano-Sreceiver RX-5
M-LINK ID 9, Drive unit ROXXY Evo 3-2200, Transmitter SMART SX M-LINK,
Transmitter batteries, charger 110-240V MULTIcharger L-703 EQU,
Applied decor and detailed instructions (E, D, F, ES)

Technical specifications:

Model characteristics: Electric gliding models
Material: Elapor
Level: 2 hobby
Wingspan in mm: 1800
RC functions: Rudder / Elevator / Aileron / Motor
Flying weight electric in grams - approx .: 1100
Flight time in minutes: 45
Total surface area load per gdm: 27
Total area in qdm: 40
Recommended battery types / cells: 3S LiPo 1800 - 2400mAh 20C (only included with RTF)
Building time KIT in minutes: 240
Building time RR / RTF in minutes: 5-10

Necessary accessories:

KIT: Zacki Elapor second-hand glue, Brushless outrunner 250-600 W, regulator (20 - 40A), Lipo battery (3s 20C 1800-2400mAh), 4x servos (2x 8-13g and 2x 16-19g ), Remote control with at least 4 channels, charger for Lipo battery, 2x servo extension cable (45 cm for aileron) and 2x servo extension cable (30cm - in the fuselage)
Producer/Distributor item number
214332 264332 13273 264333
Article No.