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RCHUNGARY Pick-up Point - Opening times:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri : 9:00 - 17:00 // Wed: closed
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

Address: József Attila utca 55/B, 2011 Budakalász, Hungary   Tel: +36 26 340009     E-mail: info@rchungary.com   

Free delivery as of 40 000 Forint (valid for Hungarian addresses with FoxPost, ExpressOne and MPL deliveries only)

In 2025 our pick-up point remains closed during folliwing dates:

March 24 - 25
April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
May 1 -> 4 (Labour Day Holiday) - open again as of 5th May


DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR

DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR
DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR
DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR
DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR
DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR
DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR

Kompakt LiPo szabályozó mágneses adó kapcsolóval és állítható kimeneti feszültséggel. Használható 5/6 cellás NiCad/NiMH és LiIon és LiFePo4 akkukhoz.
Szabályozott és stabilizált 5.9 vagy 7.2V kimeneti feszültség.
Független ki/bekapcsolási mechanizmus egy külsőleg elhelyezett mágneses kapcsoló segítségével.
A használatban lévő akku tipus és az alacsony feszültség észlelése programozható. Inteligens feszültség követés optikai hiba jelzéssel.
5 max 10 szervóval használható. 4A állandó áramot és 25A max áramot támogat. Használható akár Kis motors modellektől a 2 méter fesztávolságú gépekig, vitorlázó gépekhez akár 3m szárnyfesztávolságig , impellerekhez és helikopterekhez.

*Akku csatlakozó kábel JR/Uni rugalmas szilikon kábellel, 0,5mm2/AWG21 keresztmetszettel
*Integrált töltőkábel JR/Uni
*Dual JR/Uni konektorok magas minőségű szilikon kábellel, 0,5mm"/AWG21 keresztmetszettel a kimenő oldalon.
Minden konektor aranybevonatú (FCI ).

Készlet tartalma:
DPSI Micro SingleBat
Kapcsolómágnes EMCOTEC jelöléssel
Fúrási sablon
Vibrációs védelem
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Out of stock

DPSI Micro SingleBat 5.9V/7.2V JR

Compact LiPo regulator with magnet switch transmitter and selectable output voltage. Suitable for 5/6cell NiCad/NiMH as well as LiIon/LiPo and LiFePo4 batteries. Regulated and stabilized output voltage 5.9 volts or 7.2 volts adjustable.

Electronically On/Off-switch for complete contact less switching operation with an external magnet from outside.

The used battery type and the low voltage detection can be programmed. Intelligent voltage monitoring with optical error indication.

Designed for 5 up to a max. of 10 servos. Supports 4A continuous current and 25A peak current. For small engine models up to approx. 2 meters wingspan, glider planes up to approx. 3 meters wing span, impeller jets or helicopters.

•Battery connector cable JR/Uni with flexible silicone strand 0.5 mm²/AWG21 cross section.
•Integrated charging cable JR/Uni.
•Dual JR/Uni connectors with high grade silicone strand 0.5 mm²/AWG21 cross section on output side.
•All connectors are gold plated (FCI contacts).

Delivery contents
•DPSI Micro SingleBat
•Switching magnet with EMCOTEC tag
•Screwing collar
•Drilling template
•Vibration protection
•Quick reference guide


The switching off process of DPSI works with a hall effect sensor. Hall effect sensors can be influenced by magnet fields. It is possible that the DPSI switches off when exposed to a very strong magent field (i.g. electric drive). Current-carrying cables generate a magnet field. So please run all cables which are carrying a high current (>100A) with a distance of at least 3cm (1.18in) from the DPSI.

Power sources 5, 6 or 7 cell NiCad / NiMH cells, 2 cell Lithium-Ion, LiPo, LiFePO4 batteries
Operating voltage range 4.8V to 12V
Nominal input voltage 6.0V to 8.4V
Output voltage 5.9V or 7.2V selectable per sliding switch
Quiescent current (switched off) <1µA per battery
Quiescent current (switched on) Approx. 90mA in total (LED on)
Max. continuous current @ 5.9V 4A
Max. peak current @5.9V 10A
Maximum power dissipation (continuously) 8W
Environmental conditions -10°C (14°F) to +50°C (122°F)
CE test According to 2004/108/EC
Permissible temperature range -25°C (77°F) to +85°C (185°F) (Storage)
Max. peak current (20ms) 25A
Drop-out losses @ 2A 0.1V
Dimensions 73.4 x 19.4 x 14.1mm (2.9 x 0.76 x 0.55in)
Weight Approx. 32g ( 1.13oz)
# of servos 5 powerful servos, up to 10 low power range servos.
Suitability Small engine models up to approx. 2 meters wingspan, glider planes up to approx. 3 meters wing span, impeller jets, helicopters
Producer/Distributor item number
Article No.