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RCHUNGARY Pick-up Point - Opening times:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri : 9:00 - 17:00 // Wed: closed
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

Address: József Attila utca 55/B, 2011 Budakalász, Hungary   Tel: +36 26 340009     E-mail: info@rchungary.com   

Free delivery as of 40 000 Forint (valid for Hungarian addresses with FoxPost, ExpressOne and MPL deliveries only)

In 2025 our pick-up point remains closed during folliwing dates:

April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
May 1 -> 4 (Labour Day Holiday) - open again as of 5th May


Balsa Micro SLIPPER Kit 255mm Graupner

Balsa Micro SLIPPER Kit 255mm Graupner
Balsa Micro SLIPPER Kit 255mm Graupner
Balsa Micro SLIPPER Kit 255mm Graupner

Gestanzte und bedruckte Balsateile für Tragfläche, Leitwerke und Rumpfkopf
Leichter Rumpfstab aus Bambus
Einfacher Zusammenbau.
Empfohlener Klebstoff: UHU hart
In stock
Balsa Micro SLIPPER Kit 255mm Graupner

Cut and printed balsa parts for the wing, tail and fuselage.
Light fuselage stick made of bamboo.
Easy assembley.
Recommended glue: UHU hart
Producer/Distributor item number
4 013 389 480 820.00000000000
Article No.
Last Seen