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Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri : 9:00 - 17:00 // Wed: closed
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

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In 2025 our pick-up point remains closed during folliwing dates:

March 24 - 25
April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
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Aerofly RC7 USB interface adapter + cable

Aerofly RC7 USB interface adapter + cable
Aerofly RC7 USB interface adapter + cable
Aerofly RC7 USB interface adapter + cable
In stock
Aerofly RC7 USB interface adapter + cable

•Ready with sum signal connecter
•Ready for the IKARUS single-line converter and wireless flying
•Depending on radio an additional adapter is required ( #31036)

Delivery content:
USB interface with cable and 3.5 mm jack.
Please note that the package and color of the stick can be different.
Please note that this USB Interface only can use as a second player interface at a aerofly5

Simply connect this USB interface to a free USB port. It will be automatically recognized by your computer and can be used for the download version and also the DVD version of the aeroflyRC7. It transmits all control functions to the computer. It also transmits all special features like retractable landing gear and flaps. With this USB interface you will fly all aeroflyRC7 models with your own radio.
Producer/Distributor item number
18 153
18 153
Article No.