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Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

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March 24 - 25
April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
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BL Control Roxxy 940-6 - 40 A Robbe

BL Control Roxxy  940-6 - 40 A Robbe
BL Control Roxxy 940-6 - 40 A Robbe
BL Control Roxxy 940-6 - 40 A Robbe

Universal speed controller for brushless motors. For aircraft, heli, marine and vehicle models. One for all. Selectable forward-reverse operation, with or withour brakes. With rotor head speed governor in heli mode.

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BL Control Roxxy 940-6 - 40 A Robbe


Dimensions: 66 x 25 x 10 mm
Protection functions: PCO, POR, TP, Rx-filter, Cool Power FET
Clock frequency: 32 kHz
Weight approx 47 g .:
Short-duration current: 50 A
Load current: 40 A
Number of cells: 6-18 NiCad / NiMH or 2-6 LiPo cells.
BEC: 5.5V 3A / interm. 5A

Recommended accesories:
Programmer V2 1 x 8642

The ROXXY-BL 900 controller range excels in that it can be used for virtually all areas of modelling. Whether it is forward-reeverse speed control for RC-cars or boats without a brake, as flight speed control with adjustable brake or simply electric helis- with or without rotor-speed governor. The 900 range generation can do everything and at a reasonable price.
•The introduction of new transistors and manufacturing technology has helped make the 900 ROXXY range clearly superior to traditional devices.
•Compared to the previous range and also competitive products, the operation time has been doubled.
Robbe Modellsport Gmbh
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