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Aerofly RC7 ULTIMATE PC-DVD Windows

Aerofly RC7 ULTIMATE PC-DVD Windows
Aerofly RC7 ULTIMATE PC-DVD Windows

Aerofly RC7 ULTIMATE PC-DVD Windows

ULTIMATE version for Windows-Computer
with over 200 models and over 50 Sceneries


Aerofly RC7 Ultimate Simulator

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Aerofly RC7 ULTIMATE PC-DVD Windows

The NEW No.1 R/C Flight Simulator
•Suitable for USB-Simulator Commander, R/C transmitter or joysticks!
•All models are instantly scalable!
•Immediately ready for download!
•Quadrocopters, electric and gas powered airplanes, helicopters, gliders,
jets, and scale models!
•Perfected aerofly flight physics for a realistic flight feeling
•An USB-GameCommader or USB-Interfaceadapter for control is recommended

Ready to fly after Download!
Users, who purchse the aeroflyRC7 as a download, can immediately get started flying. At the end of the ordering process an activation key will be sent automatically. If you already have a USB-commander or transmitter with USB adapter, he can fly with these. If not, you can still fly with mouse control!

Universal for USB simulator commander, remote control or joysticks!
The aeroflyRC7 will recognize any USB-Commander, whether it's recommended as game controller under Windows. You can also use an IKARUS GameCommander or an RC transmitter with USB adapter. The user is no longer bound to any particular hardware. Of course, for those who don’t have a commander IKARUS offers a matching USB commander.

All models are instantly scalable
It sounds unbelievable, but with the aeroflyRC7arrives a new function, which increases the model selection infinitely. Each model, whether fixed wing model or helicopters, can be adjusted in size, up to 50% to 200% of the original size!

Over 200 models at the ULTIMATE version
A complete list would blow this out of proportion, listing all the jets, aerobatic models, gliders, flying wings, electric, gas or turbine powered helicopters, quadrocopters, foam models, shock flyers, racing aircraft, multi engine aircraft, tandem helicopter and much, much more. With the aeroflyRC7 you will get everything you ever dreamed off as an RC model. The website www.ikarus.net features a model gallery showing virtually all models.

Over 50 sceneries at the ULTIMATE version
The aeroflyRC7 is actually fully equipped making it the best IKARUS flight simulator of all time. There are extremely realistic photo sceneries of many American, European and worldwide existing model airfields and slopes. They are supplemented with fascinating 4D sceneries with customizable visual and weather conditions, providing an incredible plus in flying fun through many challenges and follow mode flight. Among them are popular and unusual sceneries such as the famous Wasserkuppe (Germany), Hahnenmoos (Switzerland), Las Vegas at night (USA) and many more.

Ultra realistic flight feeling thanks to the entirely new aerofly flight physics
The aeroflyRC7is based on a completely new realistic flight physic simulation. The processes calculated in real time have been expanded several times, creating the ultra realistic flight feeling of the aeroflyRC7. The even faster calculation, strictly based on the physical parameters has a noticeably affect on the flight behavior of the models.
Producer/Distributor item number
18 157
4 250 343 830 860.00000000000
Article No.
Spare parts & accessories