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RCHUNGARY @ Social Media

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RCHUNGARY Pick-up Point - Opening times:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri : 9:00 - 17:00 // Wed: closed
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00 -
only on following dates in 2025: Mar 22+29 // Apr 5+12+26 // May 10+24

Address: József Attila utca 55/B, 2011 Budakalász, Hungary   Tel: +36 26 340009     E-mail:   

Free delivery as of 40 000 Forint (valid for Hungarian addresses with FoxPost, ExpressOne and MPL deliveries only)

In 2025 our pick-up point remains closed during folliwing dates:

April 17 -> 23 (Easter Holiday) - open again as of 24th April
May 1 -> 4 (Labour Day Holiday) - open again as of 5th May



Robbe Roxxy brushless inrunner

Robbe Roxxy brushless inrunner In contrast to high-torque outrunner motors, these inrunner units are designed for high rotational speeds. Their qualities particularly come to the fore in impeller models, and racing airplanes and boats. Also suitable for use in micro and mini helicopters. These motors are also notable for their low weight and high performance. With high-quality neodymium magnets. High copper fill The Roxxy range of inrunner motors extends from a lightweight 16 g slow-fly motor up to a 44-size motor of around 700 Watt.